Monday, November 11, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pulaski County 4-H selects 4-H County Dramatic Reading Winners

Pulaski County 4-H selects 4-H County Dramatic Reading Winners
Submitted by Chris Lichty, Senior 4-H Extension Agent

What a great night many a youth had at the 4-H County Dramatic Reading Contest, held on Monday, November 4, at Riverlawn Elementary School.  In all, 24 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th graders participated for Grade Level Winners to represent Pulaski County 4-H at the 4-H Area Contest, where they'll compete against 4-H’ers from Floyd, Giles, Montgomery and Patrick County.  4th and 5th Grade participants were winners from the Classroom 4-H Dramatic Reading Contests.  6th and 10th Graders were selected from the 4-H Teens In Action! 4-H Dramatic Reading Contest. 

4th Grade competitors included Tryston Torres-Ayers, Novah Butler, Qyle English, Avery Linkous, Hollace Oakes, Keelyn O’Reilly, Scarlett Poff, Cole Trail, Bailey Viars, and Gracianna Wimberly.   

5th Grade competitors included Madison Byer, Dani Carroll, Matthew Cole, Ella Davis, Larra Dunford, Ella Guedes, Ashanti Martin, Jonah Morgan, Autumn Newberry, Haleigh Reed, Lillian Sargent, and Myah Shomo.

6th Grade competitor was Eleanor Lichty.  10th Grade competitor was Lindsey Riddle. 

Winners from the evening included:

4th Grade Winner:  Hollace Oakes, Snowville Elementary
4th Grade Winner:  Qyle English, Pulaski Elementary
4th Grade Runner-Up:  Tryston Torres-Ayers, Snowville Elementary

(left to right) 4th Grade Dramatic Readers; Qyle English - Winner; Hollace Oakes - Winner; Tryston Torres-Ayers - Runner-Up

5th Grade Winner:  Jonah Morgan, Dublin Elementary
5th Grade Winner:  Dani Carroll, Dublin Elementary
5th Grade Runner-Up:  Larra Dunford, Riverlawn Elementary

(left to right) 5th Grade 4-H Dramatic Readers; Dani Carroll - Winner; Larra Dunford - Runner-Up; Jonah Morgan - Winner

6th Grade Winner:  Eleanor Lichty, 4-H Teens In Action!

10th Grade Winner:  Lindsey Riddle, 4-H Teens In Action!

(left to right) 6th Grade Winner - Eleanor Lichty; 10th Grade Winner - Lindsey Riddle

Friday, November 1, 2019

Team Building at 4-H Camp Meeting

Team Building at 4-H Camp Meeting, Balloon Towers. We had a great time. Looking forward to great camp planning before 4-H Camp June 1 - 5, 2020.