Friday, July 6, 2018

Local Emergency Planning Commission Luncheon hosted by 4-H Teens In Action!

Local Emergency Planning Commission Luncheon hosted by 4-H Teens In Action!

Hello Everyone,

It is time to plan for the Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC) Luncheon, Wednesday, July 18, 2018. 

The LEPC is the group of people who are responsible for responding to emergency/disaster situations within our community.  4-H Teens In Action! has hosted the event for years, is able to make a good name for themselves within Pulaski County with our community leaders, and raise some funds in the process.

The event will be held at Randolph Park Gazebo beginning at 11am for setup, 12pm for lunch and 1pm for cleanup. 

Everyone is asked to contribute to the meal by providing an item(s) on the list.  Check out the list, sign up for an item and we look to see everyone there.

We are wearing our 4-H Teens In Action! T-shirts, if you have, or any other 4-H T-shirt. 

Click the link below to view the online sign-up.
Mr. L and Mrs. Hurst

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